

Monday 21 September 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 21st September 2015

(Daily devotional)

"Everything, absolutely everything find their purpose in Him" (Col. 1:16 TM)


It was said that  Michealangelo worked on 44 statues and completed 14 of them. The unfinished ones are kept in a museum in Italy. The unfinished potentials of a genius. What's sadder is people who could become master pieces only if they were developed. You ask, how do I discover and develop my potentials? 1)Look up! You cannot arrive at your purpose by starting with yourself. "Its in Christ that we find out who we are and who we are living for" (Ephesian 1:11 TM). So talk to the  Lord.
2) Give up! You are to be willing to sacrifice who  you are in order to become what God wants you to be. Moses gave up the riches of Egypt to identify with the nation of slaves. Paul gave up the prestige of being a pharisee to pay the price of being an Apostle. Every achiever has a 'give up' story. Nothing comes free.
3) Show up! To win, you must play the game. You can't sit on the sidelines. You were put on this earth to make a contribution. You weren't created to consume resources., to eat, breathe and take space. No! God has called you to make a difference.! What God told Jeremiah is true. "Before I made you in your mother's womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart for a special work"(Jer.1:5NCV). Find your God given assignment and pour your life into it. David served God's purpose in his generation"(Acts 13:36 NIV). There is no greater tribute than that. Imagine it chiseled on your tombstone: that you spent your life doing what God wanted you to do. It will be your  greatest testimony.

Prayer Point

Father God, show me your purpose and the potentials you've loaded into me so I can live my life to please you and be a blessing to my generation in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Isaiah 38-40; Galatians 3:19; Psalm 107:23-32

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