

Tuesday 15 September 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 15th September 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"We are made for...the once for all sacrifice of Jesus ' (Hebrews 10:10)

Rigid adherence to a list of do's and don'ts appeals to our religious sense and self-sufficiency by fostering the myth that if we work hard enough we can earn God's favor. That's fear based thinking, and '...God has not give us the spirit of fear...'(2Timothy1:7). There is no fear is love..fear has to do with punishment.(1John 4:13). Legalism or the gospel of works is the fear that God isn't big enough to forgive your sins, that unless you do the right thing in the right way at the right time and do it perfectly, then you are in trouble. When we fear making mistakes we become timid, and limit ourselves from living abundantly. We let analysis permeate our decisions as we lead quiet, desperate, anti-faith lives, afraid to move with the bold confidence that grace gives us to walk in certainty, unafraid of rejection. Speaking against work based religion, Martin Luther said, 'Be a sinner and let your sins be strong but let your trust in Christ be stronger...rejoice in Christ...the victor over sin'. Is Luther advocating for us to continue in sin so that 'grace may abound' No! He wasn't excusing sin! He was restoring grace to it rightful place, affirming that nothing can separate us from God's love (Roman8:38-39). He wasn't downgrading the law, he was upgrading grace. Grace means talking to God and listening for His voice when its easier to just consult the rule books. The truth is when Jesus entered heaven to appear before God on our behalf, He freed us to have a relationship with Him without fear of sin separating us.

Prayer Point

Father thank you for your grace. I connect to more grace for me to finish the race in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Isaiah 24-26; 2Corithians 11:16-33; Psalm 106:32-39

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