

Friday 25 September 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 25th September 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."(Hebrew 12:1,,,,NKVJ)


In every stadium apart from the tracts there is a place people hardly see, that's the training room where athletes develop their muscles by exercising with weights. The writer of hebrews may have had it in mind when he wrote '...lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnare us, and run with endurance (Heb.12:1). Developing the right amount of muscles enhances athletes performance. But on the day of the race they strip off any weight and  anything that wasn't essential. There is a lesson here: when we think that the things we are clinging on  to are important, these are the very things that make us to struggle. We simply need to set them down.

The Christian life is a race that starts the day you accept Christ and ends when you meet Him face to face. In order to cross the finish line as a winner you must eliminate: 1) anything that slows you down. In order words, anything that hinders your spiritual progress. In and of itself, it may not be wrong, but it becomes a 'weight' when it stops you from living for God to the fullest.
2) Anything that causes you to stumble short of the finish line. You must constantly monitor the level of your commitment to Christ, the growth of your faith, your home life, your relationships, your integrity, your work ethics, your thought life and your habits, make up your mind to stay focused on the prize. Athletes who won receive medals that eventually fade. But '...you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade' (1Peter 5:4NIV). That's why we need to keep running till we win!

Prayer Point

Father God, I cut off every weight that's slowing me down and whatever makes me stumble in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Isaiah 47-49; Galatians 5:7-26; Psalm 109:1-20

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