

Tuesday 29 September 2015



The Sovereign says today that I bore your
sicknesses and your diseases so that you
don’t have to. I became sick with the
sickness that made you sick so that you
could become well and walk in divine health.
I was beaten that you might be amended. I
was bruised that you might be recovered
from every wound. I am your substitute says
the Lord and that which was suffered on
the cross breaks off of you every disease,
every sickness, and recovers you from every
wound for by my stripes you were healed
and restored to complete and total health.
This day the legacy of the shed blood of
Calvary becomes your portion. Take this
word and mix it with your faith and know it
as the substance of that which you have
been hoping for.
Yes, says the Lord your healing is a past
provision. I do not make up My mind whether
to heal on a case-by-case basis. I provided
healing with one stroke through the blood of
the cross that makes deliverance available
to whomsoever will. You are not excluded
says the Lord. You are not left out. If you
ask Me for healing will I give you a stone or
a scorpion? Say of your soul I will enter into
the finished work. Say of your soul the work
was done before the foundation of the
world. I did it for you says the Lord past
tense, final, and in full. Your healing was
bought and paid for 2000 years ago. You are
not trying to get well, I am according you
wellness and causing you to walk in divine
health. Refuse, reject the attempt of
sickness and disease and ill health to take
hold of your body for it has no right to stay
in your body for you are declared this day
healed, healthy and whole in the name
above every name Jesus Christ!

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