

Monday 21 September 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 20th September 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Because thou has left thy first love..."(Rev. 2:4KJV)


We live in a fast paced world where many things are contesting for our attention. How do busy people living a fast paced and complicated lives get the quality of godliness? By going to Church? Evangelist Billy Sunday said 'going to Church will no more make you a Christian than going to a garage make you an automobile'. Your environment  even a spiritual one will not necessarily make you spiritually godly.
Christ speaks to all of us 'remember from where you've fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first' (Rev.4:5). Go back in your mind to the first days as a believer. I am sure you will remember the following:
1) When you always want to talk about the Lord and it will fill your heart with delight. Do you still do that today. When was the last time that the focal point of your discussion was Jesus.
2)When prayers and fellowship with the Lord was exciting and so refreshing. Where do you spend the bulk of your time now?
3)When the Bible was filled with soul thrilling insights you've never seen before. Can you tell the last thing you heard from God concerning any issue in your life?
4) When sharing your faith with someone was the highlight of your week. Do you still identify as a christian to those who don't know at your place of work or the mall?
5)When your devotion,zeal and dedication to God was consistent, fulfilling and enriching. What happend? Love for Christ and His 'things' has gone cold!
Distance from God is a frightening thing because you don't even know it's happening! Understand this, God will not accelerate His pace to catch up with ours. We will need to slow down in order to get back in step with Him. God will not speak to us during a commercial break in our popular Tv show. No, we must seek quietness so we can hear His still small voice. God can't be fitted into the frame work of our complicated lives. We must return to our first love. We must put Him first and keep Him there, if our lives are to be characterised by that all-encompassing word Godliness.

Prayer Point

Father, fill my heart with your love. Restore me to the place I first met you in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Isaiah 36-37; Galatian 2:1-10; Psalm 107:23-32

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