

Monday 16 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 16th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Before I made you in your mothers womb I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work"(Jeremiah 1:5 NVC).

Everyone in the kingdom of God have been chosen to do something special. We all have been given a unique assignment with a unique giftings to get the job done. Meaning that you have both been called and loaded to fulfil destiny. There are no two people that can do what you do the way you can do it. God has given you that special ' something' that makes you stand out from the pack. You are in your own class, created to rule your world. To put it in a nutshell, you are God's master tool created to produce a masterpiece on earth. What's unfortunate is that many came into this world loaded and went back still loaded with what God gave them to affect their world. What the world will celebrate you for is the lives that were touched during your sojourn here on earth, how many benefitted from your assignment. That's why the enemy is fighting you so hard. he is afraid of your assignment!  You will have to keep fighting so you will lay hold on those things for which you've been called and raised by God.
How do I step into God's assignment for my life, you may ask:
1) God will show you. Every great thing begins with God. Ask Him and He will show you.
2) Watch out for those desires and the things that unlocks your compassion. Compassion is what releases God's power. What are those things that move you to take action when you see them in the society, they are the things that God's given you the power to heal.
3) You must be available to make your contribution. Endowment without disbursement is an abuse of potentials. Look for opportunities to meet needs. Jesus said "freely you've received, freely give"(Matthew 10:8). Many times you will need to look away from your own needs to focus on the needs of others. Selflessness is the capital price of fulfilling your assignment. And the more you meet the needs of others, the more God will raise people to meet your needs.

Prayer Point

Father, thank you for your assignment for me. Show me what you called me to do and grant me the grace yo do it in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Sunday:   (Ezek. 21-22; Heb 10:19-39; Psalm 123:1-4)

Monday: (Ezek. 23; Heb 11:1-16; Pro27:15-22)


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