

Friday 13 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 13th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"The memory of the righteous is blessed" (Proverbs 10:7NKJV)


The Bible calls Barnabas 'a good man...full of faith(Acts 11:24) although, unlike Paul, he never did the kind of things that made him stand out. He is mentioned only three times in the book of Acts: 1) selling his land to help finance God's works. 2) Vouching for Paul's character. 3) Giving John Mark a second chance. Barnabas didn't earn many titles, but he earned a pile testimonies and commendations! The Bible says: 'The memory of the righteous is blessed' because in God's eyes its not what society considers important that counts.
During a passing out day in a university a Pastor stood up and said: 'you dont think it now, but eventually you are going to die. When they lay you in the grave, are people going to stand around reciting the title you earned, or talked about what a blessing you were? Will you leave a legacy of how important you were, or about people grieving the loss of the best friend they ever had? Titles are good, but if it comes down to a choice between a title and leaving a good legacy! Pharaoh had the title but Moses left a legacy. Nebuchadnezzar had the title. Daniel had the legacy. Jezebel had the title, Elijah had the legacy. Pilate had the title, but Jesus had the legacy. It's easy to think to write-up in who's who are the most important thing, but its the loving acts you do that'll be remembered'.The song goes 'only one life', 'twill soon be past... only what's done for Christ will last! So think legacy!

Prayer Point

Father, help me to live a life that will affect others positively. Help me leave a legacy that will glorify your name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 17-18; Hebrew 9:16-28; Psalm 121:1-8

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