

Tuesday 10 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today My grace and
goodness is your common resource. My
intervention is not a rare occurrence in your
life, beloved. I am intervening and changing
the course of things every time you draw a
breath. Stop wasting your time watching the
smoke and mirror lies that the enemy
parades past you in an endless drama of
fictional worries and woes that are never
going to happen. When the enemy does his
worst I will do My best. He really isn’t much
of a challenge and in fact neither are you.
Those things that are beyond you and
intimidating you and making you feel small
are all taken care of by My watch care over
you before you ever noticed they were there.
So rest says the Father. Breathe. Breathe in
deeply and fully of My peace that I leave
with you. You are not alone. I am not so
occupied with ruling the universe that I am
not keeping a running tally of even the hairs
of your head. My thoughts toward you every
moment are more than the sands of the sea
and the stars of the heavens. Believest thou
this? Do you really understand the weight
and magnitude of scrutiny and focus that I
put on every process of your life from the
casual and meaningless to the most
formidable aspects of your day? Make up
your mind beloved, to see your life through
the lens of My love. Allow My love to be the
filter through which you evaluate every
distraction and threat of the enemy. I love
you because I love you and I will never stop
loving you. Receive My love and know it as
your security and provisioning for the day
before you this day.

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