

Tuesday 17 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 17th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"...Be persistent in your prayers...(Ephesian 6:18 NLT).


We live in a world where everybody is looking and searching for answers. Billions of dollars are been spent by Nations and organisations to find answers to life challenging twists. The world is looking everywhere else but God. So the more they discover, the worse things get. Answers from God is what bring permanent solution to life situations. And getting answers from God demands that we get alone with Him.
Andrew Murray wrote, ' Many Christians look upon it as a burden, a duty and a difficulty to get alone with God! That's the greatest hindrance to our Christian life everywhere. God said "call upon me  and I will SHOW you great and mighty thing which thou knoweth not" (Jeremiah 33:3 Nkjv). The answer you seek can be found on your knees.  Meaning there are certain answers you won't see manifest in your life, except you get alone with God. Jesus said " if you abide in me and my word abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall done.(John 15:7NKJV). Prayer is like a platinum card; it gives you access to God's wisdom and resources. Apostles Paul writes 'continuing steadfastly in prayer' (ROM.12:12NKJV). The story was told of a soldier who was caught creeping back into his quarters from a nearby woods. He was brought before the commanding officer and was charged for communicating with the enemy, but the soldier said he had just gone to pray. His commanding officer ask ' do you make it a habit of spending hours in prayer? Yes Sir! He replied. 'Then get down on your knees and pray now' roared the officer ' for you have never needed it more'. The officer got down on his knees and prayed so powerfully that his commanding officer shouted 'enough! You may go, I believe you! You see friends, if you hadn't done so well at practice, you wouldn't do very well at review. Prayer is not a spare tyre; you can't just leave it in the boot of the car and go for it when you need it. You must be persistent in your prayer life. It takes persistent prayers to get consistent answers from God. So stay in constant touch with God.

Prayer Point

Father, help me by your Spirit to spend time in your presence. I reject every spirit of distractions in my life in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 24-25; Hebrew 11:1-16; Proverbs 27:15-22

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