

Saturday 14 November 2015


The Sovereign Ford says today that your gift is
making room for you. I have not left you
without giftedness and ability to succeed.
There are gifts, talents and abilities that are
uniquely your own that I imparted to you
before you were born. It is useless to
emulate what others have done. The
successes of others might inspire and
motivate you but the key to blessing is to
understand and accept your own unique
giftedness by My hand. You really are much
more capable than you give yourself credit
for. I made you says the Father and I didn’t
leave any defect or flaw. You are perfectly
and wondrously made. Be strong. Believe in
who I made you to be. Trust in what I have
enabled you to accomplish. Know that I will
be with you in the work.
There are times that all your best efforts
may seem futile. There are times that small
beginnings will discourage you deeply. Don’t
despise these seasons. Your greatest
experience of miracles will be in the small
things. Stand up today before your giant and
sling the stones of your faith at Goliath’s
head. I will take your feeble efforts and add
God-speed acceleration to them. I will take
the little that you make available to Me and
bring about a great outcome. This is your
portion and this is My promise so rise up and
shake yourself. Gather your best efforts and
resources and deploy them against your
greatest needs. I will make up the difference
and the rejoicing of your heart will be great
as things come about in your favor.

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