

Friday 13 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that change is
available and possible even this day. No
longer will you pine and long for “one day” or
“some day”. Some day is now. One day is
now. Make it your purpose to act. Do
what you can with what you have and refuse
to give in to less than My highest and best
blessing. No more compromise solution. You
cannot negotiate with a devil. Change what
you can change and look for the breaking
through of My intervention in those things
that are beyond you that you cannot change.
It is time for entering in. This is your
entering in time says the Lord. Entering
into My promises requires a disconnect
between what you think you can do to
change things and what I only am capable
of bringing about. The whole understanding
of entering into rest is not about resignation
or giving up. Entering into rest for you
beloved is about discharging with abandon
the tasks that you ARE capable of obeying
Me in – and then expecting with IMMEDIACY
and URGENCY that I CAN and WILL step up
to your challenge and close the gap between
your faith and the realization of what you
are believing for. This day is your day to
manifest the GLORY!

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