

Monday 16 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that the truth always
outlives the lie. It is not necessary for you
to defend yourself against the
misrepresentations against you. Even as I
said in My word there will be times that
others will say all manner of evil against you
falsely for My sake. This is not some
shocking development. As I was hated so
you will be hated. As others found fault in
Me though I was sinless and perfect even so
slander and libelous accusation will find its
mark in your life. Marvel not neither be
dismayed. Rather rejoice that you are
counted worthy to suffer for My name.
Refuse to answer again. Just go quiet as
Moses before those that challenged his
authority. Fall on your face and be an
example of meekness in every response you
give. I will defend you. I am your defender.
Trust Me to bring you through every
situation in safety and security. Know that I
will bless those that bless you and curse
those that curse you. They will bring upon
themselves the very scandal that they would
foment in your own life. The snare they lay
for you with their words will pierce them
instead for I am moving even this day to
bring an end to the campaign of misdirection
and hatred against you says the Father.

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