

Wednesday 4 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 4th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"(Romans 10:13).


Many people have different reasons why they are rejecting the gospel and why things are not happening in their lives. They blame everyone else but themselves.  The common one is to blame the church, a christian brother, ones spouse etc. These critic say 'I know a christian who treated me poorly,'  or my spouse's behaviour is not encouraging me' etc.
Indeed the Church isn't perfect neither are the Christians attending it and your spouse can be a bad example. But blaming others doesn't remove one's accountability to God.
The fulfilment of God's promises in your life doesn't depend on how others live thier lives or what they do or fail to do. Salvation (deliverance) is about Jesus alone. The book Romans say "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe with your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you salvation shall be saved"(Romans 10:9).
Some people use the action of others as an excuse to reject the gospel and give up on their destiny. But they certainly can't point a finger of blame at Jesus. He is sinless and perfect in every way. Pilate said of Him "I have found no fault in this man"(Luke 23:14). And Jesus did what no one else will do for you---He suffered death on the cross to provide salvation for those who will believe in Him. Anyone that can give his life for you cannot be responsible for your woes too. Jesus gave you your life back when He gave His life on the cross.
Dont get side tracked by looking at the fault of others, look at Jesus. He alone is the WAY...and He will make a way for you today.

Prayer Point

Father God, thank you for giving me Jesus as my saviour. Thanks for being my way maker

Daily Bible Reading

Obadiah 1; Hebrew 2; Proverbs 26:13-22)

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