

Monday, 30 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 30th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near"(Isaiah 55:6)


money is a necessary part of living. Without it, we couldn't secure the necessities or luxuries of life. As preacher W.A Criswell said, 'money will buy luxuries, but it will not buy spiritual power. Money will buy advancement and preferments, but it will not buy recognition from God. Money will buy human favour and accolades, but it will not buy a soul's respect'.

The greatest good--so great that its in category all by itself---cannot be bought. If the entire human race were to bankrupt its resources in an effort to buy forgiveness of din and eternal life with Jesus, it will be infinitely insufficient. All the wealth of the world cannot purchase the supreme blessing of forgiveness and heaven.
We' ll never accumulate enough riches to purchase a place in the parasite of God. But there is good news! Salvation can be ours "without money and without price",(Isaiah 55:1).

Have you trusted Jesus as your saviour? You only need to stretch out your hands in a child-like faith to the Lord(John 1:12). Cry out to Him and confess your sins. He will abundantly. pardon"(Isaiah 55:7).


Father, thank you for your love and forgiveness in my life.
By the tokens of the blood of Jesus, I take my place of sonship in the kingdom of God in Jesus name.


Daniel 1-2; 1Peter 5; Psalm 134:1-3

Sunday, 29 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Sunday 29th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!'(2Corinthians 9:15)


Christmas is season when gifts are exchanged among people of various color and language. And sometimes some of us receive gifts within a gift for instance receiving a treasure chest containing additional boxes with additional gifts of chocolate, jewelries and beautiful clothing. How would describe that - Indescribable right?
When God sent His son Jesus to be the saviour of the world, He gave us many gifts within the GIFT. now when people receive the Gift (Jesus), they also receive these special gifts, which they get in no other way. Observe these extra gifts:

a) Forgiveness of sins. In Jesus, we have redemption through His blood. the forgiveness of sins according to the riches if His grace(Ephesian 1:7).

b)Teaching and empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, whim the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things(John 14:26).

c)Eternal life and a home in heaven. John said "He who has the son has life" (1John 5:12). Jesus promised "In my father's house are many mansions... I go to prepare a place for you"(John 14:2).
d) A love like no other. "As the father has loved me so have I loved you...greater love gas no man than this, than to lay ones life for his friends"(John 15:9,13).
Have you received God's indescribable gift? You only need to ask

Father thank you for the gift of you son Jesus Christ. I receive all that you have provided for me through Him.

Ezekiel 47-48; 1 Peter 4 Psalm 133:1-3

Saturday, 28 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Saturday 28th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"May the LORD make you increase and abound in love..."(1Thessalonians 3:12 KJV).


What makes a Church successful? A big turnout o. Sunday morning? A multimillion dollar budget? A state of the heart building?

We all know that those things aren't the criteria that defines a successful church. Whether your Church seats stadium sized crowds or just gas a few attendance, numbers are not the measure God uses for success. He looks at the heart of the Church.

Apostle Paul planted a Church in Thessalonica, the capital city of Macedonia. He showed his desire for the Church members there when he wrote: "may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all....so that He may establish your heart blameless"(1Thesd.3:12-13). With these words Paul showed the two characteristics that are vital for a successful body of believers--Love for one another and holiness.

Congregations, Church buildings and budgets come in different sizes. The true measure of success is demonstrated by followers of Christ who love God and one another, and are committed to living a life of holiness. Our challenge can be found in the word of the prophet Micah: "what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?(6:8). So if you believe in Jesus' name, then you are a part of His Church, by loving others, you proclaim: 'we are the church,--we are the heart'.
Therefore, a small church with a big heart of love is better than a big church with a small heart if love. See you in Church tomorrow with your big heart of LOVE.


Father, thank you for making me a part of your Church.
I receive the heart of love to walk in ever increasing love in Jesus name.


Ezekiel 45-46; 1Peter 3; Proverbs 28:1-18)

Friday, 27 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 27th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Abraham believed in the Lord, and it accounted to him for righteousness" (Genesis 15:6)


Any mother can tell you waiting to give birth is an experience that builds patience. But pity the poor elephant. It takes about 22 months for an unborn elephant to mature to birth! The shark known spiny dogfish has a pregnancy duration of 22-24 months.

Abraham could have identified with these examples from nature. In his old age, the Lord made a promise to him: 'I will make you a great nation"(Gen 12:2). But as the years passed, Abraham questioned how the fulfilment of the promise was possible without even the basic building block of a son.  Medically speaking he is old and Sarah had passed the age of child bearing. So God assured him, "One who will come from your own body shall be your heir"(v;4).
Despite his advance age, Abraham believed God and was called righteous(v:6). Yet he waited 25 years from the time of the initial promise for Issac to be born.
Waiting for God's promise to be fulfilled is part of trusting Him. No matter how long the delay, we must wait for him. As the writer of Hebrews remind us "let us hold fast our confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful(Hebrew 10:23). God always performs what he promised.


Father, thank you for working everything for my highest good. I receive the grace to wait to realised all that you've promised me in Jesus name.


Ezekiel 43-44; 1 Peter 2:4-45; Palm 132:1-18

Thursday, 26 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 26th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Whatever a man sows that he will reap"(Galatian 6:7)


Some people grow old gracefully while others become grouchy and ill- tempered. It's important to know which way we are growing, because we are all growing older.
People dont get irritable and short tempered merely because they are getting older. Growing older doesn't have to make you hypercritical and cranky. No, its likely that we've become what we've been becoming all along.

Paul writes: 'He who sows to his flesh will...reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will...reap everlasting life(Galatians 6:8). Those who yields to self interest and thinks only of themselves are sowing seeds that will produce a harvest of misery in themselves and others. On the other hand, those who love God and care for others are sowing seeds that in time, will yield a harvest of joy.

A man by the name C.S Lewis puts it this way: 'every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses into something a little different from what it was before. We can choose to submit our wills to God each day, asking Him to give us strength to live for Him and for others. As He walks in us,  we will grow in grace and kindness.
So the question we need to ask ourselves is, which way am I growing, am I growing toward God or to self.? The answer to this question will tell the kind of future we will have.


Father God, I submit my will to you today, help me to live for your glory.
Grant me the strength to choose that which is right and fitting to the glory and honor of your name in Jesus name.


Ezekiel 41-42; 1 Peter 1;   
1Peter 2:1-3;
Psalm 131:1-3


The Sovereign Lord says today that I am cleansing
you with the astringent of My word. No more
cutting yourself with stones as the Gaderene
among the tombs. I have not called you to a
tomb – life I have called you to abundant
life. Forgive yourself. Be forgiven. Your sins
are remitted and forgiven and now you are
clean through the word that I have spoken to
you. Open your eyes and see not the
transgression of days past but rather see
forgiveness and cleansing as your portion.
I am pouring out the oil and wine of healing,
cleansing and deliverance upon you. Sanctify
your eye gate and your heart from the
pollutions of idols the enemy would put
before you. I am not angry with you and I
am not disappointed in any way. I see your
heart and as you apply yourself I will walk
you out of the prison house of the enemy
and into a new liberty and freedom beyond
anything you have ever imagined in your life
says the Lord

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 25th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

...Thy face o Lord will I seek..(Psalm 27:8 KJV)


Successful marriages are as diverse as the variety of snowflakes that falls from the sky. Athletes marry artistic types, social butterflies marry the shy and retiring. The obvious differences can be a source of conflict. Yet with a growing understanding of oneself and one's spouse, each can learn to adapt to other's idiosyncrasies for the long haul.

Our walk with God is very much like a spiritual marriage. Jesus Christ the bridegroom, has sought us out  for an eternal relationship. Because each of us has a different temperament, uses a different thought process, and is at a different level of spiritual maturity, each possesses a unique relationship with Christ. Jesus our good shepherd, is well aware of our individuality and wants to give us just what we need to grow in our walk with Him. As we study the Bible, we learn more about His amazing personal qualities and compassion for us. And in response to His overtures of love, we will want to find time to spend with Him.

The same fellowshipping seeking God  who walks in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve is reaching out to each of us today. But when should we try to connect with Him? Many people emphasized the importance starting the day with devotions. Someone even went as far as saying, ' no Bible, no breakfast'. But depending on your metabolism and lifestyle, you may be mentally alert at midday or at night. Everyone is different, and God respects these difference and He is ready to meet us where we are at and bring us to where He is.

Prayer Point

O Lord, my Father draw me closer and closer into fellowship with you in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

  Ezekiel 40; James 5; Psalm 130:1-8)



The Sovereign Lord says today that My default
answer toward you is yes. Before you open
your mouth to speak, My yes has been
released from the throne. Come to Me
presumptively says the Lord . I challenge
you to presume upon My love. He that
comes to Me must believe that I am and
that I am the rewarder of those that
diligently seek Me. You have sought Me says
the Lord and you have sought Me, and you
have sought Me yet again, and I declare to
you this day that I will be found of you and
you will not go away empty-handed.
Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall
be opened unto you. Ask and I will answer
with a provisioning that is more than you can
ask or think or contain. I am not a man that
I should lie, nor the son of man that I should
repent. As I said in My word you will not beg
bread or be rejected from My benevolence in
your behalf. You will not be forsaken says
the Father, rather you will be provisioned as
you listen to My voice, respond to My
directives, and place My kingdom first above
all things.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday  24th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"What do you have that you did not receive"(1Corithians 4:7)


The story was told of a wealthy man who enjoyed buying his father unusual gifts for Christmas. One Christmas he found a unique gift: a talking bird that spoke five languages and sang the national anthem standing on one foot. It cost $10,000 dollars. But the man didn't mind. So he purchased the bird and sent it to his dad for Christmas. A few days after Christmas he went over to his father's house to see if he enjoyed his gift. He said, Sad, did you get my present? 'I sure did', his father said. ' How do you like it? The man asked again 'its delicious, we had it for Christmas dinner'. The man's father obviously missed the the point. He treated as ordinary, a gift that was very special.
Too often that's how we treat the blessing of God gives us. Paul asks, 'what do you have that you did not receive? Everything we have including the breath in our lungs, is a gift from God! And James adds: 'Every good thing given... is from above, coming from the father  (James 1:17NAS). In order for us to be good stewards of God's blessings we need to be reminded that everything we have were give to us by God for keeps  that includes : our time, talent and treasures. God will make demands on these things that He has blessed you with so you can be a blessing to others. So anything we give back to God, is just returning to Him a small part of what He has given us, and that qualifies us as good stewards of God's blessings.

Prayer Point

Father, position me to be a blessing to my generation in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 38-39; James 4; Proverbs 28:7-17

Monday, 23 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says to you today, nothing
external to you has any power over you. You
are not subject to any circumstance or any
situation or person that contradicts what I
have promised to you in My word. The
happenings that occur in the material world
are simply observations made regarding that
which I’ve given you authority over. I’ve
given you authority says the Lord even as I
said to Adam. I commanded the very first
man to subdue and have dominion! The
dominion that was lost in Adam is restored
in Christ. In your life (because you belong to
Me) – ruling and reigning begins now! Ruling
and reigning does not begin after death nor
does it require death, for death is My enemy.
Did I not say in My word that the last enemy
that would be put under My feet is death?
And did I not say I would be sat down until
the last enemy is put under My feet? What
part of ruling and reigning is yet to be
framed in your understanding says the
Lord? Come to My table beloved, and
partake! I have prepared a table for you even
in the presence of your enemy and you shall
be unharmed, and unmolested, for My hand
and My name is your defense!
When My Son walked the earth He
demonstrated My standard for human
normalcy! He demonstrated the human
condition as I intended it and then boldly
proclaimed that you have inherited His name
and will do greater works! Enter into the
greater works this day. Expect signs,
miracles and wonders. Expect the unusual,
the unique, the fantastic! Find moving in
your midst to demonstrate My goodness and
My strength in you and to you and through
you in a greater measure then you have ever
known says your God!


6 Ways to Lead Your Child to Jesus

By David Woollen

“Daddy, don’t let the giant get me.”

“Sweetie, the giant isn’t going to get you. It was just a dream…”

I had already come in to comfort my daughter, Elly, several times that night, but feeling suddenly inspired I decided to seize the “gospel” moment.

“…and besides sweetheart, Jesus is stronger than giants and everything else that’s scary. He defeated all our enemies on the cross, so when you feel scared, you can pray and ask him for help.”

I quietly congratulated myself on my applied spiritual insight in parenting as I watched my three-year-old process this.

“Daddy, is Jesus going to put me in a boat?”


I floundered for a moment then realized she was remembering the picture of Jesus in the boat with His disciples from her storybook Bible.

“Yes honey, Jesus is always with us. Even in the boat.”

“Will He push me in the boat?”

“Um… Jesus loves the little children, sweetie. I think He’d give you a push.”

“Daddy, is Jesus going to wear a swim suit?”

“Goodnight Elly. Go back to sleep.”


Rarely do spiritual conversations with your children go the way you envision, especially when they are little!

A child’s short attention span and limited comprehension can make these parent-child interactions slightly comical, but I’m convinced the effort is worth it. Sooner or later, ideas will start to stick. The conversations we have today will form a framework for understanding later on.

Any Christian parent who wants to learn to talk naturally with their children about Jesus can start by identifying teachable moments in their daily routine. 

The following list is hardly exhaustive, but it’s a great place to start.


1. When You Sing Together

Kids love to sing. Shows likeSesame Street and Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood revolutionized children’s programming with this insight. So why not be intentional about the music you play and the songs you sing at home and in the car?

I grew up in the 80s listening toPsalty the Singing Song Book. (And I was delighted to discover these CDs are still available online.) But today there are many more options to choose from. 

The new favorite in our family is the Slugs and Bugscollection from Randall Goodgame, in particular the CD “Sing the Bible.” It’s just the right balance of silly fun with spiritual depth. We love that our kids are learning actual Bible verses, as well as the books of the Old and New Testaments.


2. When You Read Together

Educators keep telling us there is nothing better to prepare kids for future academic success than reading to them when they’re little. Why not take advantage of storytime by reading books that will teach your kids about Jesus?

Our girls LOVE The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. I don’t know if it’s a common experience for other parents, but after we finish reading a story to them, our girls like to flip back to the beginning and retell it in their own words. 

And when we turn out the light, the Bible story we just read is a great place to start our prayer time. 

“God, thank you for sending your Son as a baby…”

“Jesus, thank you that even the wind and the waves obey you…”

“Jesus, thank you that you rose from the grave and are alive today…”


3. When You Pray Together

Many Christian families pray before meals and at bedtime. Prayer time is an easy opportunity to teach your children to pray and, in the process, teach them priceless truths about God.

Our three-year-old is now at the point of wanting to pray at meals, but she doesn’t know what to say. So my wife or I will pray and, phrase-by-phrase, she repeats our words. Most days it sounds something like this:

“Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this food. Thank you for Daddy, and Mommy, and baby Hannah. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Amen.”


4. When They Are Scared

Most kids get scared when they wake up in the night. When they call out your name for comfort you have an opportunity to talk to them about “the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

When they’re afraid of the dark, you can remind them that Jesus is the light of the world and a light for us when we’re in the dark.

When they’re afraid of monsters (or giants in my daughter’s case), you can remind them that Jesus is bigger and stronger than anything scary. In fact, everything evil is afraid of Jesus, because they know He’s in charge.

When they just want Daddy or Mommy you have a chance to talk to them about God the Father, who loves them even more than Daddy and Mommy do.

And any scenario like this gives you the chance to pray with them and over them!


5. When They Do Something Wrong

Discipline is one of the most stressful aspects of parenting. And our parental reactions when a child does something wrong reveals a lot about our own assumptions.

When I hear myself say, “Why would you do something like that?” or, “I just don’t understand where this behavior is coming from!” it’s an indicator that I’m forgetting the core of the gospel. 

According to God’s Word, she’s not inherently good. She knows how to lie, be sneaky, impatient, mean, and more without having to learn it from others. It comes naturally because, like every person on earth, she was born sinful. She’s sinning because she’s a sinner, just like me. (Ephesians 2:3)

Rather than being surprised by our kids’ sin, we should expect it and have a game plan for addressing it with gospel truth. When your child sins it can be a God-ordained moment to talk with them about how much they need Jesus. Thatonly by His death and resurrection can they have God’s forgiveness, the ability to run from sin, and to desire to do what pleases Him.

Growth in godly parenting requires intentionality and self-scrutiny. Here are several outstanding books that have made a difference for my wife and me


6. When They Are Wronged by Someone Else

Much of our parental energy in discipline goes into addressing the sinful behavior of the offending child, but we also have an opportunity with the child who was wronged. 

This can be your chance to help them understand what it truly means to forgive - that it’s not easy, that the person who wronged them needs their forgiveness, and, most importantly, that we forgive because, through Jesus, God has forgiven us too.



It’s worth the time for you and your spouse to talk through each of these six daily opportunities to point your child to Jesus. Decide what you want to convey ahead of time. 

Of course, it will never go exactly according to script, but over time it will pay off as your child learns the vocabulary of grace and spiritual conversations become a natural part of family life.



From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 23rd November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"On His law they meditate day and night"(Psalm 1:2RSV).


If you've never meditated perhaps you will think its too difficult; you will think its only something monks, mystics or gurus do,  reciting mantras in a lotus position. Answer this, do you know how worry? or have you ever been worried about anything? Okay, then you know how to meditate, because meditating is just:
1) Thinking deeply and continuously about something;
2) Memorizing it;
3) Letting it take root;
4) Owning it until it becomes a life force within you
The point isn't how much scripture you memorize, but what happens to you in the process. Meditating on God's word, clarifies, corrects, enriches and equips you by making you think different thoughts than if you were watching TV, talking on the phone or in the shopping mall.
Jesus once asked His listeners: 'why do you keep on saying I am your Lord, when you refuse to do what I say (Luke 6:46CEV). Good question! The people knew the truth but they weren't ready to act upon it. David said, 'thy word have I his in mine hear that I might not sin against you"(Psalms 119:11). Meditating on God's word will cure the following in your life:
a) It will cure moral and spiritual weakness
b) It will cure the life without focus
c) it will cure lack of intimacy with God
d) it will cure chronically weak faith that keeps making you miss out on God's best for your life
So dust off your Bible, crack it open and ask, 'Lord, what are you saying to me? Then meditate on His answer.

Prayer Point

Father, open my eyes so I can behold wondrous things from your word in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 36-37 James 3; Psalm 129:1-8

Friday, 20 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 20th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"I have learned the secret of being content."(Philippians 4 12).


Sometimes contentment means:
1) Learning to be happy with less. A hard charging executive decided to spend a few days in monastery. ' I hope your stay is a blessed one' said the monk who showed him to his cell. 'If you need anything let us know. We will teach you how to live without it.'. Happiness isn't getting what you want, its enjoying what God has given you. Paul said he learned to be content, 'whether well fed or hungary, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.'
2) Remind yourself that things could be worse. I read the story of a dog called snoopy. He was lying in his dog house one Thanksgiving Day, mumbling about being stuck with dog food while all those humans got to be inside with the turkey, gravy and pumpkin pie. 'Of course, it could have been worse he reflected, " i could have been born a turkey". Reminding yourself it could have been worse is a powerful developer if contentment.
3) Understand that what you seek is spiritual, not material. Paul says to beware of 'greed, which is idolatry'(Colossians 3:5). Our problem isn't just what we want more, its that the condition which underlies all our wanting is that we really want God. As Augustine said, 'Our souls will never rest, until they rest in thee' why would God let us feel at home, when this world is not our home? Our dissatisfaction, if we let it, can sharpen our spiritual hunger and cause us to pray, ' your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).

Prayer Point

Father, teach me to be content with the measure of your blessing you've wonderfully bestowed on my life and help me to find life satisfaction in you and not in things in Jesus name

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 30-31; Hebrew 13; Proverbs 27:23-27


The Sovereign Lord says to you today, nothing
external to you has any power over you. You
are not subject to any circumstance or any
situation or person that contradicts what I
have promised to you in My word. The
happenings that occur in the material world
are simply observations made regarding that
which I’ve given you authority over. I’ve
given you authority says the Father even as I
said to Adam. I commanded the very first
man to subdue and have dominion! The
dominion that was lost in Adam is restored
in Christ. In your life (because you belong to
Me) – ruling and reigning begins now! Ruling
and reigning does not begin after death nor
does it require death, for death is My enemy.
Did I not say in My word that the last enemy
that would be put under My feet is death?
And did I not say I would be sat down until
the last enemy is put under My feet? What
part of ruling and reigning is yet to be
framed in your understanding says the
Father? Come to My table beloved, and
partake! I have prepared a table for you even
in the presence of your enemy and you shall
be unharmed, and unmolested, for My hand
and My name is your defense!
When My Son walked the earth He
demonstrated My standard for human
normalcy! He demonstrated the human
condition as I intended it and then boldly
proclaimed that you have inherited His name
and will do greater works! Enter into the
greater works this day. Expect signs,
miracles and wonders. Expect the unusual,
the unique, the fantastic! Find moving in
your midst to demonstrate My goodness and
My strength in you and to you and through
you in a greater measure then you have ever
known says your God!

Thursday, 19 November 2015



This are the practical steps to finding happiness. Here I will tell you about the methods, which will lead you to achievement of permanent inner happiness.

Step 1 – Meditate

Do you know about the world’s happiest man?

The brain studies of people, who regularly meditate, have revealed the direct relation between the practice and the state of peace, concentration and happiness.

Meditation has helped me very much toget rid of depression and become happy.

Meditation value consists in the fact that it is a very practical and applied thing. You may know any number of theories about positive thinking and read dozens of books on self-development. But without practice you will implement any theoretically principles much more difficult.

It is easy to say: “Be content with what you have”, and “Pay attention to the positive sides of your life.” But it is difficult to implement. Do these tips help you, when you are angry, in despair and nothing makes you happy? Everyone knows that it is not so easy to become an optimistic person and to notice only the positive sides.

It is as difficult as standing on your head, having simply read an article about how to do it.

It is easy to say: “During the headstand, keep your back straight and hold your look at one point, not to lose your balance.” Will these tips help you, if you’ve never stood on your head? No!

Because you need some practice and trained muscles in order to do this.

You could say that meditation is training of your “happy muscles.” While meditating, you develop strength, which helps you be happy, do not pay attention to the negative things around you and get rid of negative emotions. That is why I have placed meditation before other methods that can help you achieve happiness.

While meditating, you bring your mind into a state of happiness and you gain more control over yourself. When being in this state, it’s easier to keep your optimism and vacant mood. Everyone knows that during depression a person colors the world in gray tones: the surrounding people seem angry and sad, and the reality around loses its color.

Meditation has the opposite effect; it variegates the world, so that you see more good around you, and the usual things bring you more joy.

It is possible to say that while meditating, you open a free, independent of external circumstances and a constant source of happiness!

Of course, it’s not all that simple. Without refining yourself and conscious efforts, meditation will not make you happy! Do not wait for a miracle! This is an important thing and I want you to pay attention to it.

The practice acts not only as an harmless antidepressant, it also helps you understand yourself, be aware of the true reasons for your dissatisfaction, deal with fears, solve internal problems,develop awareness and get rid of unwanted emotions.

It gives you the ability to manage your psyche and work with it. But without this work, it will bring no good results.

Through meditation, people get rid of bad habits and thirst of momentary pleasure. This happens not only because the practice contributes to willpower development and people are able to confront their weaknesses easier.

Meditation gives the feeling of happiness and harmony. And, as I said in the section about pleasure, happy people do not need so much the momentary pleasure, which can be caused by drugs, sex, food, thrills, shopping, etc. Happy people are self-sufficient and independent of their happiness. Because all they need to enjoy the life is already inside them.

You may ask: If everything is so simple, why don’t all people meditate and why there are so many unhappy individuals and people with harmful addiction around us?

Everything is really not that difficult. We do not see many meditating people, for the same reason that not every one of us goes in for sports. Everyone knows how beneficial sport is. But not many people, who suffer from overweight and have health problems, use this method to be more healthy and attractive.

Why is this happening? After all, the benefit of sports is obvious. Most likely, due to laziness, lack of motivation or inability to achieve long-term goals.

Meditation, as well as sports, gives no immediate effect. You need to practice it regularly in order to achieve any results. Not everyone has patience and faith in this method.
Not all people go in for sports, let alone meditation, because this practice status in the mass culture is connected with religion and esoteric east doctrines.

Not all people take meditation seriously, despite the fact that science has been long studying the practice impact on the brain and has revealed a lot of positive effects of meditation.

Meditation is not necessarily a part of religion and it is not magic. It is an applied exercise that teaches you to manage your attention, control emotions and enjoy life.

Learn how to meditate properly.

Step 2 – Have No Regrets

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. Accept the consequences of your actions. You cannot change the past. But you can change the present and the future! Instead of grieving at the past, improve your present life and give of your strength for the future.

Step 3 – Take Care Of People

I am not a religious man, but I greatly respect the world religions. In my opinion, the major religions are united not by the idea of the Almighty God (for example, in Buddhism, there is no such idea at all) and not by some belief in supernatural forces, but, above all, by the values of love for your neighbors, compassion, altruism, forgiveness and freedom from passions.

In my opinion, the essence of religion is based, first of all, on these things, not on attending temples, committing ceremonies and rituals, being present at sermons, etc.

I believe that these values are widely applied in our earthly life! They are not only the ways to achieve some kind of post-mortem rescue! No! Compassion, kindness, care of people – is the recipe for earthly happiness!

Did you pay attention to the fact that misfortune, suffering and depression are, by their nature, extremely self-centered states? The unhappy person is obsessed only on his feelings and his grief. He does not care about other people’s problems. He thinks that his personal problems are big and significant!

Altruism and compassion are directed at other people. These qualities mean the ability to get distracted from your problems, your thoughts, your desires, and to understand that all these are not the most important things in your life and they do not create the whole center of existence! Consequently, care of your neighbors means freedom from passions and strong desires! And freedom means happiness.

The value of love for people (Update: not only for people, precisely, but for all living: animals, plants, nature, our planet) is both the cause and the consequence of happiness. Happy people do not close on themselves and do not think all the day about their problems; they bring happiness into the world and try to help other people. And in these actions they find new happiness!

Step 4 – Forgive And Do Not Criticize

Learn to forgive other people. This will teach you compassion and understanding. Offense, hatred and rage give birth to suffering and frustration. Love, kindness and forgiveness give birth to happiness.

Condemn and criticize people less. Stop gossiping and spinning intrigues. This will teach you to stop focusing on other people’ shortcomings and find their positive sides. It will also allow you to pay attention to your own imperfection and your problems’ reasons.

Step 5 – Do Not Complain About Life

Do not complain about circumstances, stop thinking and talking about how bad everything around you is. Can you change something with these thoughts? No. They only spoil your mood and make your life miserable.

I don’t urge you to wear rose-colored glasses and notice only the good things. I want you to stop focusing only on the bad things.

Of course, there are grief and injustice in life. It is a fact of life that you should accept. The world is what it is. There is no sense in whining and rejection.

Courageously accept your fate! This does not mean that you should accept it without resignation. Improve your life, change the world for the better, and accept the order of things in your life, which you cannot change!

This will save you from needless suffering and frustration over the fact that the real life does not always meet your expectations.

Step 6 – Take Responsibility

Stop blaming circumstances and people around for the fact that your life has developed not the way you wanted. You are responsible for it, not your parents, not your friends and not your government. Because you are free to change your life, and you have the biggest impact on it!

The personal responsibility is not the result of guilt, but the consequence of freedom! You make your own life and, therefore, you are responsible for it. Depriving yourself of responsibility means depriving yourself of freedom to have impact on yourself and on the world. And depriving yourself of freedom means depriving yourself of happiness!

Step 7 – Learn To Manage Your Emotions

Freedom from destructive passions, such as envy, pride, laziness, boredom, irritation and rage will make you a happy person! I don’t intend to dwell on here, because I devoted an entire article to the issue – “How To Control Negative Emotions.”

Step 8 – Get Rid Of Strong Attachments

The reason Monks stay in the monastery is to disconnect them from all emotional attachment. However, this method is unlikely to fit each individual. I am attached to my friends, to my wife, to my work and to many other things, and I get pleasure from these affections. I do not want to deprive myself of these emotions.

We are modern people and no one forces us to retire to a temple or monasteries and live there locked up, giving up all the usual pleasures. But this Monk's precept contains a certain wisdom, which can be used by a modern person as well.

No need to get rid of all attachments. You should simply have no strong affections, which fully create the basis of your existence.

Remember, I said that you should not think: “I will be happy when…” It’s not just the fact that you will not find happiness in the future, unless you find it inside you. Even if some activity will please you so much that you will forget about your misfortune, do not let it limit all your thoughts and positive emotions.

Because you will be left with nothing, if something goes wrong with this activity. Because you will have nothing, but this activity, and because it creates the only basis of your happiness. No need to make your harmony dependent on something else

I really want to keep developing this website. I put high hopes on it. But it is not my only joy! If suddenly I will be unable to continue this work for some reason, certainly I will be hard hit by this.

But it will not be the end of my life! I have many other pleasures in addition to the website!

A smart investor allocates his risk by investing his money in a number of different projects, while calculatingly considering the fact that if one of them fails, the rest will yield dividends. Quite the same, you should not attach only to one thing: to love for husband/wife or children, to your business, etc.

And if you think: “I’ll be happy when I’ll find my love” – then you run the risk of becoming dependent on this love, because, except it, you will have no other source of joy! Dependence is never compatible with healthy relationships.

Diversify your affections!

Step 9 – Find Your Calling

I’m not saying that you should definitely find your dream job. Calling is not necessarily identical to profession!

Maybe you like to dig in your garden on your plot of land and not to go to work! Why not consider it a calling? Therefore, you should choose your way of earnings in accordance with this calling, instead of turning this way into calling.

I will not dwell on this topic now, because I have an article on the websiteHow To Find Your Calling.

But remember that you should not be attached only to your calling, no matter what it consists of – working as a lawyer or helping other people! I have already mentioned this in the previous section and I simply want to remind you about this.

Step 10 – Smile!

This recipe for happiness is indicated in almost all materials devoted to the main issue of this article.

And I will not depart from this tradition. Of course, smile more. Psychologists have identified an inverse relationship between your facial expressions and your emotions. This means not only that, when you are happy, you smile. It also means that when you smile, you become joyful!

Step 11 – Content Yourself With What You Have

I know that in Catholic families before meals, people utter a prayer thanking God for their food, which is on the table.

Irrespectively the fact whether this gratitude reaches some higher being or not, I think that this tradition has a practical sense.

We are accustomed to the benefits that civilization gives us: continuous access to a variety of foods, relative life safety (in comparison with wild conditions), health care, relative independence of nature, etc.

We already take these things for granted, even though some part of the world’s population misses them. Many people live in poverty; they are suffering from drought, hunger and diseases. They would be very happy to have what we have. But we, in turn, have been long used to it and forgot to enjoy it.

The tradition of thanking for the food on the table reminds us that food is not givenness, once we thank someone for it. You have it today, but you can miss it tomorrow! Food is the foundation of our lives, without which we cannot exist.

I’m not saying that you should pray and thank someone for it. Just do not forget that if you have food and a roof over your head, and you do not have to gasp for life every day, then you have all the benefits in order to be happy.

Not every person on the Earth has these benefits. You must learn to rejoice over having them, because you do not die of hunger somewhere in a miserable hut. Learn to appreciate what you have.

Step 12 – Benefit From Any Experience

Find the good sides in every life experience, even in the most unpleasant one.

Were you fired? This is your chance to find what suits you best.

Did you have a spat with your wife? This gives you the opportunity to identify the shortcomings of your relations and improve them.

Did something excite you to anger? Life teaches you a self-control lesson. Use it as an opportunity to learn how to control your anger.

Virtually every experience has its advantages. “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” If you notice only the negative side of the experience, then you will miss many opportunities to become a better and stronger person.

Step13 – Maintain Your Health

Good health and sport activity will increase the content of endorphins in your brain. Endorphins cause the state of satisfaction and happiness.

A physically healthy person is less prone to psychological illness, despondency and depression, than people who have bad habits and do not care about their health.

Alcohol and smoking cause only temporary pleasure. But in the perspective, they violate the chemical balance in your brain and badly influence on its natural ability to maintain the happy state.

The more you use alcohol and other drugs, the more you get used to them and the more difficult you enjoy your life, while being in a sober state. Over time, the drugs themselves bring less and less joy, because of the habit. As a result, you do not become happier, but quite the contrary.

I meant this, when I said that sometimes happiness requires you to deny yourself some pleasure.

Quit smoking and drinking. Follow the sleep schedule and eating. Eat healthy food. Go in for sports. Meditate.

Step 14 – Communicate!

Healthy and full communication gives you joy. When you communicate, aim not only at telling something about yourself and about your problems. Learn to listen to your interlocutors and understand other people. What do they feel? What are they worried about? Can you help them somehow?

This will allow you to shift the focus of your attention from your problems to other people’s problems. You will understand that many of your worries and fears are trifling in comparison with other people’s problems.

Listen to people, learn from them and charge with their positive mood, but do not let their negativity get into you. Get acquainted with new people. Be honest and aim at deeper communication, not at some superficial exchange of remarks.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Thursday 19th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"The testing of your faith produces endurance"( James 1:3NAS).


Endurance means 'staying the course'. But endurance is only a mere word until you have to deal with a strife-torn marriage, the long road back from bankruptcy, divorce or illness, the rebuilding of your life, or the required preparation for success in any field. It takes commitment to keep going when friends fail you, discouragement whispers ' give up' and doubts say 'it can't be done'. Thar's when endurance takes a new meaning. It becomes your anchor in the storm, your compass in times of confusion, and the head of steam that gets you up the next hill.
Remember, God knows when to discontinue a trial in your life because it purpose has been fulfilled. And He gave us two great promises:
1) His comforting presence (Isaiah 43:2-5).
2) The assurance that He won't permit more pressure than we can handle (1Corinthians 10:13).
But there is another reason, others are watching! Apostle Paul writes, 'People are watching us as we stay at our post... Working hard, working late, without eating, with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness and honest love; when we are telling the truth...when God's showing His power; when we are doing our best setting things right; when we are praised and when we are blamed; slandered and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognised by God...immersed in tears yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all (1Corithians6:1-10 TM). That's how to stay the course!

Prayer Point

Father God, I receive the grace to withstand every pressure and challenges coming my way in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 28-29; Hebrews 12:14-29; Psalm 126:1-6


5 Myths About Happiness

Myth 1 – Happiness Depends On External Things (Money, Houses, Cars, Love Partners, Success, and Quality Of Life)

This is a wrong belief. I am not surprise by the fact that the majority of people profess this belief.

As I said earlier – everyone instinctively strain after happiness or pleasure. But not everyone knows where to find it; therefore, he is guided by those recipes for happiness searching, which are available to him.

The Western civilization is imbued with the cult of wealth, success, and consumption. Therefore, these values become the benchmarks of modern man in his aspiration of escaping from dissatisfaction.
I cannot say that all people identify happiness with money and success. At the beginning of the article, I said that people are looking for happiness, where it is not present. But, in fact, they do not want happiness; they want something else, something that replaces the happiness.

Many people do not really know what the status of this state is, and associate it with pleasure and temporary satisfaction.

The modern man’s attitude to happiness can be expressed in the following formulation: “Happiness? I do not quite understand what it is. Perhaps, it’s an abstract concept, an individual utopia analogue. Something unattainable and incomprehensible. The feeling of pleasure associated with money, sex, alcohol, and love intrigues is much clearer and closer to me. Maybe, this is the very happiness? Or maybe not. But, since I have no other idea of how to achieve satisfaction and comfort (and how to avoid dissatisfaction), I will be guided by the things available to me.”

In other words, the concept of happiness is not something specific to many people. Everyone understands it as something special for himself and chases his phantoms, which promise to reveal to him the source of continuous pleasure. But often such pursuit leads to nothing, but dissatisfaction.

Happy people have no doubt that they are happy. I have no doubt as well.

First, I want to say that happiness can be achieved. Namely happiness as a permanent state, not happiness as a chain of temporary pleasures.

Secondly, it largely depends on you, not on external conditions.

Happiness is an internal and subjective state. It is not determined by the country you live in or how much money you have.

I think that this statement doesn’t contradict the ordinary experience. Each of us knows that people may live in the same conditions, while being happy in different ways.

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor, says in her book – The How of Happiness – that according to research, happiness depends on you 4 times stronger, than on external factors!

In turn, my own experience supports this statement. Over the last few years, the conditions in which I live have certainly changed, but not considerably. However, I have changed from an unhappy and depressed person, into a happy personality. All these occurred not because of the external changes, but thanks to refining myself, personal metamorphoses, i.e. internal changes.

My experience persuades me of the truth of this article’s main idea better, than any scientific calculations. After all, my perception of life, my positions, my attitude to many things and my emotional state have changed. All these helped me find my happiness.

Myth 2 – Happiness = Pleasure

Many people think that life happiness is formed by pleasure summation. For example, in the morning you drank some hot coffee with pleasure, at work your boss spoke highly of you, in the evening you drank some wine and had sex.

Do you think that all these little treats in their amount make the desired and great life happiness? Not exactly.

Happiness is not a pleasure. How does it differ from it?

Happiness depends on external stimuli not as strong as a temporary pleasure does. What do you need to get pleasure? To buy something, to make money or to get acquainted with someone. This means that you achieve pleasure indirectly through some things. And happiness depends on these things not very much, because it an internal state. (That is why people think that happiness can be obtained only with the help of money, affairs, power or things. They confuse it with pleasure.)
Consequently, the thirst of pleasure makes you dependent on external things, whereas there is no happiness. Happiness is not affected by inflation, as opposed to pleasure. How should you understand it? Quite simple. For example, earlier someone was pleased to drink a glass of cheap wine in a bar on the city suburb, but now, a bottle of 50-year-old wine that is drunk in a luxurious restaurant brings less pleasure.
People get used to the pleasure and glut themselves with it. As a result, there no is no other pleasure in their life and they simply need more and more resources to maintain this escaping pleasure.
But, since happiness depends only on the internal state, it is not subject to depreciation. There is no need to maintain it constantly by external stimuli. You will be almost equally happy in different life conditions. Happiness is evident in perspective. Your momentary state may be different. Sometimes you have a bad mood, sometimes a good one. But it has nothing to do with happiness. After all, happiness is not a temporary state and not a keen pleasure, which is experienced by every cell of the body. This is something that raises above all your mood fluctuations and is not subject to them. In other words, it is not quite correct to ask yourself: “Am I happy now?”, “Was I happier yesterday, than today?” After all, happiness is not directly related to the experienced moment.

But if you try to increase the perspective and think: “Am I happy at all? During my whole life or during the last few years?” Then you will be able to understand, whether you are happy or not. Even if yesterday you were sad, it does not mean that you are unhappy at all. According to this point of view, we can say that happiness is some kind of “metastate”, which manifests itself in long term and is permanent, as opposed to temporary pleasures.

Happiness is like a lighthouse, which stands on the shore, while you are abroad a ship on the open sea, away from the shore. Sometimes the waves block the lighthouse, but you can still see it by climbing the mast. This lighthouse will be always there, no matter what severe gale you may run into.

Happiness does not enslave you. If you have reached it, then it will not slip away from you, like pleasure does. You already have it and you do not need much for this.
Pleasure is not the same as happiness. Moreover, for the sake of happiness quite often you have to sacrifice this pleasure. The pleasure way (hedonism) is, in fact, not a permanent bliss, as many probably think. This is a suffering and dissatisfaction way!

Thу last statement seems paradoxical. Let me explain it. If you try to get as much pleasure as possible, then sooner or later you will come to satiation, and you will want more sex, money, drugs or power in order to maintain the same pleasure level. (This is the pleasure inflation.)

This tendency and expanding hunger cannot be sustained eternally, because your resources are limited.

Your health is not eternal and you will be unable to get pleasure from alcohol and fatty food continually. Sooner or later it will cease to bring anything but displeasure and diseases. Your money is not endless as well, and you will fail to meet your every new whim.

As a result, the run for pleasure will turn into eternal frustration and dissatisfaction. You will never be able to satisfy your every desire at its whistle. And if you become a slave of your pleasure, then your desires will become whimsical and uncontrollable, like little spoiled children that will pester you during your whole life!

Let it sounds oddly, but I want to tell you that, in order to be happy, sometimes you have to be able to deny the pleasure!

Strong passions and uncontrolled desires lead to suffering. To avoid this suffering that may cause addiction and destructive impulses, you need to be able to deny the pleasure that promise you these things! Happiness is based on freedom! Freedom from strong desires and passions!

A lack of life happiness makes people seek to pleasure constantly, because therein they see the only way to feel alive.

But happy people need it not so much. They already have all they need…

Myth 3 – I’m Unhappy Because … I’ll Be Happy When…

Many people think this way: “I am unhappy because I live in a bad country, or I have a bad job, or I do not have such a car as my neighbor has, or I did not realize my potential, or I do not have a love partner. But when I move to another country, change my job, buy a car as my neighbor has, find my vital vocation and love, then I will find my happiness!”

As I said, I do not consider that personal happiness does not depend on these things. The fact is that you cannot simply restrict it only to them. If you are deeply unhappy, then the possession of these things will not bring you the desired feelings.

Why do you still continue to believe in some sort of happiness somewhere in the abstract future?

Because your mind tries to get you out of the dissatisfaction state. You suffer, but you do not know why. And your brain seeks to find some causes of your unhappiness, and, following the well-established habit, finds them in the outside world. You simply want to hope that this dissatisfaction will pass, when you reach something. You want to think that you know what has caused your dissatisfaction.

A person wraps himself in an illusive and false hope, simply to hope for something. Will this hope come true? Not always.

Many of us eagerly pursue some goals, being in the pursuit of happiness. Does these goals’ achievement give you something, except temporary satisfaction? No! When we reach the goal, after a while we begin to feel dissatisfied again and we want something more.

The man’s mind is geared to get used to the good. Many people are unable to content themselves with what they have, but they experience dissatisfaction concerning the things they do not have. The euphoria, caused by the purchase of a car like your neighbor has, will be replaced by dissatisfaction because of the lack of a car like your boss has.

In addition, misfortune, as an internal state, projects itself on the outside world in person’s mind. He thinks that everything is bad, though namely his perception colors the world in gray. The surrounding things are not bad. Namely his susceptibility to depression and dissatisfaction perception makes them so.

In view of the aforesaid, his aspiration to find harmony by means of changing the scene and buying new things does not succeed. After all, no matter where he goes, whatever he buys – his perception, which notices only the bad, will always be with him and will not go anywhere. He will not find satisfaction, and will always think about the things he does not have, rather than about those he has.

When moving to another country in search of utopia, one may realize that everything in that country is not as good as he imagined at first. His negative attitude again finds many shortcomings of the new environment. You cannot escape from your inner unhappiness by changing the residence.

New activity and new job will eventually bore a man, as well as all his former activities, because deeply inside he is unhappy.

Love will bring euphoria and feeling of happiness. Unfortunately, these feelings do not last forever. Once they pass, the disappointed personality will find itself in the same dissatisfaction state and will start a new pursuit.

By these arguments I do not want to cause pessimism, saying that nothing is eternal and no things will bring you constant joy. It is not so. Happiness can be achieved, but you cannot see it only in these things, otherwise you will be disappointed. I want to warn you against false paths and rid of illusions.

You have to learn to be happy right here and right now, without drawing yourself a utopia in the future. And you have to find this happiness inside you.

Myth 4 – Rich People Are Happier Than People Of Moderate Means

It is not so. According to researches, there are no special distinctions in the value judgment degree of the happiness level between the rich people and people of moderate means. Happiness does not increase with income (on the contrary, the income increases with happiness – we’ll talk about this later in this section).

However, according to the same researches, namely the necessary condition for happiness is that income which provides you a life above the poverty line and gives you an opportunity to make ends meet. But happiness will not increase with the increase of your earning above this level!

Why? As I wrote earlier, a person gets used to the good! He even gets used to have a yacht and own a private island! I spoke about this in the preceding section. But, if a person is unhappy and notices only the bad, then these things will bring him no joy!

Therefore, you should not think that rich people have no problems and that you cannot be a happy man without wealth.

However, there is an inverse relationship. Happiness attracts money!

Happy people are self-confident and able to cope with stress and solve problems. They achieve their goals better, than whiners-losers. Consequently, they are more successful in life. New achievements, acquaintances and acquisitions are able to make some contribution to the sum of your zest for life (although they are unable to bring you happiness, if you have not achieved it inside you).

Happy people attract more additional happiness, than the unhappy ones!

There is nothing wrong with beautiful things, material security and comfort living conditions, but, as I wrote above, these things can be easily achieve by people, who are already happy, because of their personality’s properties.

Myth 5 – Smart People Are Mostly Unhappy

This belief is related to the fact that intellectually gifted and talented people have supposedly more complicated psyche, than fools. They clearly see all the world imperfections, therefore, suffer more.

Some people even perceive their own tendency to suffering almost as a virtue, as evidence of a superior intelligence and sophisticated psyche organization.

But the fact is that being happy is much more difficult, than being unhappy. The first one requires effort, refining yourself and developed willpower, while the second one – requires nothing.

Despondency does not make you cool. It does not speak about the developed intelligence; it only shows that you have not refined yourself, and therefore, the majority of your qualities were not developed.

Perhaps, the intelligence development somehow affects the level of your happiness, but misfortune is not the direct result of intelligence development. It is rather a consequence of your shortcomings.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015



Successful people often exude confidence—it’s obvious that they believe in themselves and what they’re doing. It isn’t their success that makes them confident, however. The confidence was there first.

Think about it:

Doubt breeds doubt. Why would anyone believe in you, your ideas, or your abilities if you didn’t believe in them yourself?

It takes confidence to reach for new challenges. People who are fearful or insecure tend to stay within their comfort zones. But comfort zones rarely expand on their own. That’s why people who lack confidence get stuck in dead-end jobs and let valuable opportunities pass them by.Unconfident people often feel at the mercy of external circumstances. Successful people aren’t deterred by obstacles, which is how they rise up in the first place

No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. It’s time to remove that barrier of self-doubt.

Confidence is a crucial building block in a successful career, and embracing it fully will take you places you never thought possible. With proper guidance and hard work, anyone can become more confident. Once you pass a certain point, you’ll feel it from the inside.

Here are eight bulletproof strategies to get you there.

1. Take an Honest Look at Yourself

Johnny Unitas said, “There is a difference between conceit and confidence. Conceit is bragging about yourself. Confidence means you believe you can get the job done.” In other words, confidence is earned through hard work, and confident people are self-aware. When your confidence exceeds your abilities, you’ve crossed the line into arrogance. You need to know the difference.

True confidence is firmly planted in reality. To grow your confidence, it’s important to do an honest and accurate self-assessment of your abilities. If there are weaknesses in your skill set, make plans for strengthening these skills and find ways to minimize their negative impact. Ignoring your weaknesses or pretending they’re strengths won’t make them go away. Likewise, having a clear understanding of your strengths enables you to shake off some of the more groundless feedback and criticism you can get in a busy, competitive work environment—and that builds confidence.

2. Say No

Research conducted at the University of California in San Francisco showed that the more difficulty that you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression, all of which erode confidence. Confident people know that saying no is healthy, and they have the self-esteem to make their nos clear. When it’s time to say no, confident people avoid phrases such as “I don’t think I can” or “I’m not certain.” They say no with confidence because they know that saying no to a new commitment honors their existing commitments and gives them the opportunity to successfully fulfill them.

3. Get Right with Your Boss

A troubled relationship with the boss can destroy even the most talented person’s confidence. It’s hard to be confident when your boss is constantly criticizing you or undermining your contributions. Try to identify where the relationship went wrong and decide whether there’s anything you can do to get things back on track. If the relationship is truly unsalvageable, it may be time to move on to something else.

4. Seek Out Small Victories

Confident people tend to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases your confidence and your eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.

5. Find a Mentor

Nothing builds confidence like a talented, experienced person showing you the way and patting you on the back for a job well done. A good mentor can act as a mirror, giving you the perspective you need to believe in yourself. Knowledge breeds confidence—knowing where you stand helps you focus your energy more effectively. Beyond that, a mentor can help educate you on some of the cultural inner workings of your organization. Knowing the unwritten rules of how to get things done in your workplace is a great confidence booster.

6. Schedule Exercise

A study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher. Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exercise that made all the difference. Schedule your exercise to make certain it happens, and your confidence will stay up.

7. Dress for Success

Like it or not, how we dress has a huge effect on how people see us. Things like the color, cut, and style of the clothes we wear—and even our accessories—communicate loudly. But the way we dress also affects how we see ourselves. Studies have shown that people speak differently when they’re dressed up compared to when they’re dressed casually. To boost your confidence, dress well. Choose clothing that reflects who you are and the image you want to project, even if that means spending more time at the mall and more time getting ready in the morning.

8. Be Assertive, Not Aggressive

Aggressiveness isn’t confidence; it’s bullying. And when you’re insecure, it’s easy to slip into aggressiveness without intending to. Practice asserting yourself without getting aggressive (and trampling over someone else in the process). You won’t be able to achieve this until you learn how to keep your insecurities at bay, and this will increase your confidence.

Bringing It All Together

Your confidence is your own to develop or undermine. Confidence is based on reality. It’s the steadfast knowledge that goes beyond simply “hoping for the best.” It ensures that you’ll get the job done—that’s the power of true confidence.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Wednesday 17th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

""It's time to seek the Lord"(Hosea 10:12NKJV)


The place of prayer is where you meet with God to be instructed, corrected, cleansed, loved, built up and prepared to do His will. It can be anywhere, but it must be somewhere! It can be anytime, but it must be a set time, without prayer, what do you have to draw on ? You will work harder and harder and accomplish less and less because you are operating in your own strength. But after you've prayed you will struggle less and accomplish more because you are operating in God's strength. If you are spending hours watching television but say you've no time to pray, 'its time to seek the Lord. ' if you are living comfortably with sin that once trouble you, 'it time to seek the Lord'. If you're speaking word of bitterness towards someone who hurt you, 'its time to seek the Lord'. If having material things consumes your energy that there is none left for God and your family, its time to seek the Lord. The New Testament Church grew so fast that the Apostles found themselves with no time to pray. So they said,... Its not right...'(Acts 6). That's where you must start ! If you have forsaken the place of prayer, it will show up in your attitudes and actions. What did the Apostles do? They said,'...we will give ourselves to prayer...(Acts 6:4). And look at what happened, '...the word of God increased, and the number of disciples multiplied....'(Acts 6:7). If you've gotten this far with little prayer , inconsistent prayer, no prayer at all, think about how far you will go when you begin to pray.

Prayer Point

Father God, draw me to your presence and cause me to know you better in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 26-27; Hebrew 12:1-13; Psalm 125: 1-5


The Sovereign Lord says today this is your
unforgettable hour. Have the daring this day
says the Father to fill yourself with the
fullness of who I am in your life. You are
wonderfully and terribly made in My image to
reflect My glory. It is time to shine and time
to realize I have called you to higher things,
bigger things than the earthly limitations and
territory around you can contain. You have
unlimited access. You have unlimited access
to My mind, My power and My resources –
do you really think the enemy can restrain
you for one fraction of a second?
Say to your mind “think the thoughts of
God!” Say to your eye “see what God sees!”
Say to your feet “Go where God goes!” Say
to your hands “I command you to do what
God does!” This is your time says the Father.
Say to your mouth “speak the words of
God!” My words in your mouth become God
in your life and your circumstance. I inhabit
the attentiveness of your words – your
words are the key to moving from mere
visitation to habitation and possession. All of
heaven is underwriting your faith filled words
today says the Father. Go forward and
possess your land!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that I am
orchestrating every detail of your life. Every
one of your days are written in My book. Not
one of them is a tragedy or a dark tale of
failure and loss. Failure and loss are not
your portion says the Lord  Fret not if it
seems that things are not moving fast
enough. Do not despair that situations will
never improve or be different. I am working
in the midst of your circumstance. There are
things taking place beyond your perception
that will suddenly bring the relief that you
have cried out to Me for.
Use this time says the Lord. I have given
you this time to invest yourself into a deeper
intimacy with Me. I am calling you into a
renewed commitment to seek first the
kingdom in this season. I know what you
need and I know what you want in life. Your
desires are not illegitimate. Trust Me and
listen to My voice. Receive My wisdom and
change your thinking. I have a relationship
for you that is different than what you have
experienced. Use this time as preparation to
get closer to Me. Read My word. Seek My
face. Get in an atmosphere of worship. I am
calling you into a deeper walk with Me and
OUT of that a new season will come.


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Teusday 17th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"...Be persistent in your prayers...(Ephesian 6:18 NLT).


We live in a world where everybody is looking and searching for answers. Billions of dollars are been spent by Nations and organisations to find answers to life challenging twists. The world is looking everywhere else but God. So the more they discover, the worse things get. Answers from God is what bring permanent solution to life situations. And getting answers from God demands that we get alone with Him.
Andrew Murray wrote, ' Many Christians look upon it as a burden, a duty and a difficulty to get alone with God! That's the greatest hindrance to our Christian life everywhere. God said "call upon me  and I will SHOW you great and mighty thing which thou knoweth not" (Jeremiah 33:3 Nkjv). The answer you seek can be found on your knees.  Meaning there are certain answers you won't see manifest in your life, except you get alone with God. Jesus said " if you abide in me and my word abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall done.(John 15:7NKJV). Prayer is like a platinum card; it gives you access to God's wisdom and resources. Apostles Paul writes 'continuing steadfastly in prayer' (ROM.12:12NKJV). The story was told of a soldier who was caught creeping back into his quarters from a nearby woods. He was brought before the commanding officer and was charged for communicating with the enemy, but the soldier said he had just gone to pray. His commanding officer ask ' do you make it a habit of spending hours in prayer? Yes Sir! He replied. 'Then get down on your knees and pray now' roared the officer ' for you have never needed it more'. The officer got down on his knees and prayed so powerfully that his commanding officer shouted 'enough! You may go, I believe you! You see friends, if you hadn't done so well at practice, you wouldn't do very well at review. Prayer is not a spare tyre; you can't just leave it in the boot of the car and go for it when you need it. You must be persistent in your prayer life. It takes persistent prayers to get consistent answers from God. So stay in constant touch with God.

Prayer Point

Father, help me by your Spirit to spend time in your presence. I reject every spirit of distractions in my life in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 24-25; Hebrew 11:1-16; Proverbs 27:15-22

Monday, 16 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today that the truth always
outlives the lie. It is not necessary for you
to defend yourself against the
misrepresentations against you. Even as I
said in My word there will be times that
others will say all manner of evil against you
falsely for My sake. This is not some
shocking development. As I was hated so
you will be hated. As others found fault in
Me though I was sinless and perfect even so
slander and libelous accusation will find its
mark in your life. Marvel not neither be
dismayed. Rather rejoice that you are
counted worthy to suffer for My name.
Refuse to answer again. Just go quiet as
Moses before those that challenged his
authority. Fall on your face and be an
example of meekness in every response you
give. I will defend you. I am your defender.
Trust Me to bring you through every
situation in safety and security. Know that I
will bless those that bless you and curse
those that curse you. They will bring upon
themselves the very scandal that they would
foment in your own life. The snare they lay
for you with their words will pierce them
instead for I am moving even this day to
bring an end to the campaign of misdirection
and hatred against you says the Father.


7 Ways you can measure Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence, the measure of which is referred to as EQ, is often compared to our Intelligence Quotient or IQ. But what is the difference? IQ measures a person's reasoning ability while EQ measures how one manages their emotions. Have you ever met someone who's intellect was off the charts, but they lacked in the area of emotions? Below you will find 7 areas that are part of the measurement of EQ. These are based on research and chronicled in the books from EQ experts, Daniel Goleman and Travis Bradberry.

1. You Are Self-Aware

According to Bradberry, being self-aware is your ability to accurately perceive your emotions and stay aware of them as they happen." This self-awareness is important for you to be able to quickly react and adjust in a given situation.

2. You have self-control

Controlling your emotions is key in emotional intelligence. You need to be able to act to act and react based on the situation and not on how you are feeling in that moment. Reacting based on how you feel can come with some not so appealing consequences.

3. You are empathetic

We previously talked about being self-aware. Well, being empathetic takes awareness one step further. Being empathetic is being aware of the emotions of others. You do this by listening carefully and tuning into the non-verbal clues those around you are giving. This gives you the opportunity to build a closer relationship and allows them to related better to you.

4. You effectively manage change

Change is a simple fact of life. How you react to the change is a measure of your EQ and can set you apart from your peers. The one that is able to see the change, adjust to it, help others adjust, and create a positive outcome, will be the one others will look to when future changes occur. If you are a leader or looking to be one, this skill is critical.

5. You don't dwell on the past

If you are stretching yourself reaching for success, you will have some failures. That is part of the price for success. Your emotional intelligence and future success will be measured by how you react to that failure. Do you stay stuck in the label of being a failure or do you rise from the ashes of that failure; a smarter and more confident individual?

6. You control your thoughts

Much research has been done to show that we do indeed talk to ourselves. How we talk to ourselves is a measure of our emotional intelligence. How is your self-talk? Do you berate yourself or put yourself down or do you keep a positive attitude and say the words that will keep you moving forward in a positive direction? Part of your success will come down to the things you say to yourself each day. Take the time to control how you think, and since you will being talking to yourself anyway, why not make the words you speak be inspiring.

7. You pay attention

In 1997, the phrase Weapons of Mass Distraction was coined by the movie comedy with the same name. Today, the weapons of mass distraction come in many forms including texts, emails, and social media. How are you managing these distractions? Are you able to focus for an extended period of time without being tempted to look at your phone or emails? How effective you are at paying attention is a factor that goes into determining your emotional intelligence and the amount you can accomplish throughout each day. Those with a higher EQ accomplish more by not allowing distractions to impair their focus.

You have learned what emotional intelligence is, how it is measured, and why it is important to your success. Whether you are new to the study of emotional intelligence or a seasoned veteran, we all have the ability and choice to continue to increase our EQ. I hope you take these lessons and apply them to your own life. 


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Monday 16th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"Before I made you in your mothers womb I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work"(Jeremiah 1:5 NVC).

Everyone in the kingdom of God have been chosen to do something special. We all have been given a unique assignment with a unique giftings to get the job done. Meaning that you have both been called and loaded to fulfil destiny. There are no two people that can do what you do the way you can do it. God has given you that special ' something' that makes you stand out from the pack. You are in your own class, created to rule your world. To put it in a nutshell, you are God's master tool created to produce a masterpiece on earth. What's unfortunate is that many came into this world loaded and went back still loaded with what God gave them to affect their world. What the world will celebrate you for is the lives that were touched during your sojourn here on earth, how many benefitted from your assignment. That's why the enemy is fighting you so hard. he is afraid of your assignment!  You will have to keep fighting so you will lay hold on those things for which you've been called and raised by God.
How do I step into God's assignment for my life, you may ask:
1) God will show you. Every great thing begins with God. Ask Him and He will show you.
2) Watch out for those desires and the things that unlocks your compassion. Compassion is what releases God's power. What are those things that move you to take action when you see them in the society, they are the things that God's given you the power to heal.
3) You must be available to make your contribution. Endowment without disbursement is an abuse of potentials. Look for opportunities to meet needs. Jesus said "freely you've received, freely give"(Matthew 10:8). Many times you will need to look away from your own needs to focus on the needs of others. Selflessness is the capital price of fulfilling your assignment. And the more you meet the needs of others, the more God will raise people to meet your needs.

Prayer Point

Father, thank you for your assignment for me. Show me what you called me to do and grant me the grace yo do it in Jesus name.

Daily Bible Reading

Sunday:   (Ezek. 21-22; Heb 10:19-39; Psalm 123:1-4)

Monday: (Ezek. 23; Heb 11:1-16; Pro27:15-22)


Saturday, 14 November 2015


The Sovereign Ford says today that your gift is
making room for you. I have not left you
without giftedness and ability to succeed.
There are gifts, talents and abilities that are
uniquely your own that I imparted to you
before you were born. It is useless to
emulate what others have done. The
successes of others might inspire and
motivate you but the key to blessing is to
understand and accept your own unique
giftedness by My hand. You really are much
more capable than you give yourself credit
for. I made you says the Father and I didn’t
leave any defect or flaw. You are perfectly
and wondrously made. Be strong. Believe in
who I made you to be. Trust in what I have
enabled you to accomplish. Know that I will
be with you in the work.
There are times that all your best efforts
may seem futile. There are times that small
beginnings will discourage you deeply. Don’t
despise these seasons. Your greatest
experience of miracles will be in the small
things. Stand up today before your giant and
sling the stones of your faith at Goliath’s
head. I will take your feeble efforts and add
God-speed acceleration to them. I will take
the little that you make available to Me and
bring about a great outcome. This is your
portion and this is My promise so rise up and
shake yourself. Gather your best efforts and
resources and deploy them against your
greatest needs. I will make up the difference
and the rejoicing of your heart will be great
as things come about in your favor.

Friday, 13 November 2015


From the desk of Pastor Tunde Daniels

Friday 13th November 2015

(Daily Devotional)

"The memory of the righteous is blessed" (Proverbs 10:7NKJV)


The Bible calls Barnabas 'a good man...full of faith(Acts 11:24) although, unlike Paul, he never did the kind of things that made him stand out. He is mentioned only three times in the book of Acts: 1) selling his land to help finance God's works. 2) Vouching for Paul's character. 3) Giving John Mark a second chance. Barnabas didn't earn many titles, but he earned a pile testimonies and commendations! The Bible says: 'The memory of the righteous is blessed' because in God's eyes its not what society considers important that counts.
During a passing out day in a university a Pastor stood up and said: 'you dont think it now, but eventually you are going to die. When they lay you in the grave, are people going to stand around reciting the title you earned, or talked about what a blessing you were? Will you leave a legacy of how important you were, or about people grieving the loss of the best friend they ever had? Titles are good, but if it comes down to a choice between a title and leaving a good legacy! Pharaoh had the title but Moses left a legacy. Nebuchadnezzar had the title. Daniel had the legacy. Jezebel had the title, Elijah had the legacy. Pilate had the title, but Jesus had the legacy. It's easy to think to write-up in who's who are the most important thing, but its the loving acts you do that'll be remembered'.The song goes 'only one life', 'twill soon be past... only what's done for Christ will last! So think legacy!

Prayer Point

Father, help me to live a life that will affect others positively. Help me leave a legacy that will glorify your name.

Daily Bible Reading

Ezekiel 17-18; Hebrew 9:16-28; Psalm 121:1-8


The Sovereign Lord says today that change is
available and possible even this day. No
longer will you pine and long for “one day” or
“some day”. Some day is now. One day is
now. Make it your purpose to act. Do
what you can with what you have and refuse
to give in to less than My highest and best
blessing. No more compromise solution. You
cannot negotiate with a devil. Change what
you can change and look for the breaking
through of My intervention in those things
that are beyond you that you cannot change.
It is time for entering in. This is your
entering in time says the Lord. Entering
into My promises requires a disconnect
between what you think you can do to
change things and what I only am capable
of bringing about. The whole understanding
of entering into rest is not about resignation
or giving up. Entering into rest for you
beloved is about discharging with abandon
the tasks that you ARE capable of obeying
Me in – and then expecting with IMMEDIACY
and URGENCY that I CAN and WILL step up
to your challenge and close the gap between
your faith and the realization of what you
are believing for. This day is your day to
manifest the GLORY!

Thursday, 12 November 2015


The Sovereign Lord says today accept the finality of
My promise in your life. There is not one
promise of My word that does not accrue to
your benefit says the Lord. I am not
holding out on you in any way. Arise in
confidence and expectation and I will shower
you with goodness, blessing and My favor.
My favor is the shield around you that the
enemy is hurling himself vainly against. He
cannot penetrate My favor toward you
because I will not change My mind about
you. Yes it is true that you fail, you falter
and at times even worse than that – but
though you fall I will pick you up. I will pick
you up – dust you off and carry you on. So
refuse false guilt. I don’t do blame and I
don’t do shame. What I do offer is
forgiveness and cleansing.
Be cleansed says the Lord, of all
condemnation and sorrow. Refuse to be
distracted by the incessant imprecations of
the enemy against you. The blood that was
shed on Calvary is your cleansing from every
sin – past, present and future. Is this then a
license for transgression? That isn’t how you
think. That isn’t who you are. Receive My
cleansing once and for all. Allow Me to
cleanse your mind, soul and body from every
contamination. It is come-up-higher time for
I will not leave you where you are. I am
bringing you up into a new experience of My
grace and love and forgiveness this day.


The Sovereign Lord says today accept the finality of
My promise in your life. There is not one
promise of My word that does not accrue to
your benefit says the Lord. I am not
holding out on you in any way. Arise in
confidence and expectation and I will shower
you with goodness, blessing and My favor.
My favor is the shield around you that the
enemy is hurling himself vainly against. He
cannot penetrate My favor toward you
because I will not change My mind about
you. Yes it is true that you fail, you falter
and at times even worse than that – but
though you fall I will pick you up. I will pick
you up – dust you off and carry you on. So
refuse false guilt. I don’t do blame and I
don’t do shame. What I do offer is
forgiveness and cleansing.
Be cleansed says the Lord, of all
condemnation and sorrow. Refuse to be
distracted by the incessant imprecations of
the enemy against you. The blood that was
shed on Calvary is your cleansing from every
sin – past, present and future. Is this then a
license for transgression? That isn’t how you
think. That isn’t who you are. Receive My
cleansing once and for all. Allow Me to
cleanse your mind, soul and body from every
contamination. It is come-up-higher time for
I will not leave you where you are. I am
bringing you up into a new experience of My
grace and love and forgiveness this day.


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